How to Properly Dispose of Electronic Waste

How to Properly Dispose of Electronic Waste Banner Image

Electronic waste (also known as e-waste) is a growing form of pollution today. Our heavy reliance on electronic devices has led to huge numbers of these devices being manufactured and discarded on a regular basis.

Toxic Chemicals: Persistent Organic Pollutants and Where to Find Them

Toxic Chemicals: Persistent Organic Pollutants and Where to Find Them Banner Image

In part one of our discussion on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs), their definition, governance and main classes were briefly discussed. The significance of POPs cannot be understated due to their presence in systems essential to life such as the food chain, as well as industries such as agriculture and manufacturing.

Groundwater Pollution: Causes and Prevention

Groundwater Pollution: Causes and Prevention Image

Groundwater is a fundamental segment of the Earth’s water resources. About 25% of the planet’s overall fresh water supply, while surface water stored in rivers, lakes and soil moisture accounts for less than 1%.

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