Measuring CDP Performance by Sector

Measuring CDP Performance by Sector graphic

With the submittal deadline fast-approaching, let’s talk CDP: why you should disclose, how different sectors are performing, and what you can do to ensure that your organization improves year-over-year.

How Can You Innovate and Thrive During a Global Crisis?

How Can You Innovate and Thrive During a Global Crisis? graphic

2020 seemingly presents new challenges to organizations and communities on a daily basis. How do you prioritize your staff’s health and safety, while keeping operations running? How do you increase revenue in an industry indefinitely on hold? How do you monitor continually changing local and national regulations, and exhibit business adaptability to operate within them?

Responding to CDP During Times of Global Crisis

Responding to CDP During Times of Global Crisis graphic

While transparency and reporting for businesses have become increasingly important in recent years, the changing landscape in light of the current pandemic has made these factors even more crucial.

How Global Entities Are Bracing for Climate Change

How Global Entities Are Bracing for Climate Change Banner Image

As an island nation, the Philippines is particularly susceptible to the effects of global climate change, and their example highlights the importance of understanding the long-term environmental and economic benefits of sustainability.

Cities and Environmental Planning

An estimated 4 billion people—equivalent to approximately 54 percent of the world’s overall population—reside in cities. The global urban population is projected to escalate to 66 percent by 2050. The UN, however, claims that the current rise in the cities’ population is unsustainable.

How Do We Integrate Climate Change into Our Current Business Strategy?

Climate change awareness is growing and companies of all sizes and industries are starting to consider their own impacts. Every company has their own challenges and opportunities, and integrating climate change into your business strategy can help ensure you are systematizing your process to focus on the impacts that are relevant and mitigation strategies that are meaningful and realistic. How can climate change and business strategy work hand-in-hand in this age?

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