7 Facts About Recycling You May Not Know

November 15th is America Recycles Day! This nationwide event is part of the Keep America Beautiful organization, which aims to end littering, improve recycling, and beautify communities. In the spirit of the day, here are seven facts and tips about recycling you may not have known.
Three Ways to Responsibly Dispose of (or Reuse) Your Holiday Tree

If you purchased a real tree this year, think twice before throwing it out—and wasting all that potential. There are a whole host of other ways you can dispose of—or reuse—your tree to create real value in your home or your community.
3 Easy Steps Toward a Zero-Waste Home

The world has a waste problem. And of the 1.3 billion tons of waste produced globally each year, the United States is responsible for 254 million tons of it—nearly 20%, despite making up only about 5% of the global population.
3 Easy Steps Toward a Zero-Waste Home – Part Two

Because trash that makes its way into the environment can do so much harm—and a startling 79% of all plastics are not recycled and end up in landfills or in the natural environment—one of the simplest ways to do your part is to avoid creating waste in the first place.
Achieving the SDGs Through Wastewater Management

Wastewater management is regarded primarily as a sanitation process. But what most people do not know is that wastewater management can also be used as a tool for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Mainstreaming the Sound Management of Chemicals and Waste for Sustainable Development

Sustainable Development Goal 12 (SDG 12) calls for sustainable consumption and production characterized by resource and energy efficiency, sustainable infrastructure, access to basic services, green and decent jobs and a better quality of life.
How to Properly Dispose of Electronic Waste

Electronic waste (also known as e-waste) is a growing form of pollution today. Our heavy reliance on electronic devices has led to huge numbers of these devices being manufactured and discarded on a regular basis.
Plastic vs. Paper — The Quest for Sustainability

Plastic pollution is a global sustainability problem. Enough plastic is dumped into the world’s oceans each year that it could fill five grocery bags for every foot of coastline around the globe, according to scientists. The figures are staggering.
Basic Waste Management: Stop and Think Before You Toss Your Trash

We discuss Integrated Solid Waste Management and how to put together an effective waste management plan.