CDP in 2023: Upping the Ante on Water Security

CDP has made some notable changes to its 2023 Water Security questionnaire. We’ll be exploring what those changes are in-depth and look ahead to what we may be able to expect in future iterations.

Why You Need a Water Risk Assessment

As businesses continue to operate in an era of growing resource scarcity, it’s imperative to understand how climate change will affect operations, supply and value chains, and the local community.

What is the Blue Economy?

The Blue Economy was first introduced by Prof. Gunter Pauli in 2004 when he published his book, The Blue Economy, which featured a plan on how to connect seemingly disparate environmental concerns to turn “scarcity to abundance.”

The Miami Hurricanes vs Plastic Pollution

Each year, around 8 million tons of plastic waste enter the world’s oceans. This uniquely damaging form of pollution harms and kills many kinds of wildlife , both in and out of the water, from whales and dolphins to seabirds.

Better Seafood Choices for Sustainable Fishing

Better Seafood Choices for Sustainable Fishing Banner Image

When you pass through your local grocery store and go to the seafood counter, it is often easy to disregard the source of your seafood choice. However, choosing a seafood that is sourced from a sustainable catch method can affect demand and improve depleted fishery stocks.

Achieving the SDGs Through Wastewater Management

Achieving the SDGs Through Wastewater Management Banner Image

Wastewater management is regarded primarily as a sanitation process. But what most people do not know is that wastewater management can also be used as a tool for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

How the Business Community Can Help Alleviate Poverty

How the Business Community Can Help Alleviate Poverty Banner Image

Poverty can have adverse effects on business operations. Poverty is often associated with illiteracy, which can affect productivity. Employees with poor literacy skills may struggle to fully understand workflow instructions. Consequently, they are prone to making work-related mistakes, resulting in lost profits and reduced customer confidence.

Case Studies in Water Sustainability

Water sustainability is vital. Water is essential for the production and maintenance of almost everything that people produce and consume, from food to machinery.

Groundwater Pollution: Causes and Prevention

Groundwater Pollution: Causes and Prevention Image

Groundwater is a fundamental segment of the Earth’s water resources. About 25% of the planet’s overall fresh water supply, while surface water stored in rivers, lakes and soil moisture accounts for less than 1%.

How Does Your Company Manage its Water?

How Does Your Company Manage its Water? image

World Water Day, celebrated every March 22, is an international opportunity to learn about water-related issues and provide information, inspiring others to take action and ignite change. Water is used in every business, and can directly affect supply chain operations. Water issues put pressure on large and small organizations around the world. Since water is a vital and increasingly limited resource in numerous parts of the world, its management should be given enough emphasis to reduce risk and avoid future complications.

The UC System’s Water Management Battle Against the Drought


With California’s drought reaching unprecedented levels – scientists believe that the snowpack is at its lowest point in the last 500 years – the public and private sectors are striving for new water conservation measures guided by a proper water management system.

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