Client Case Studies

From science-based targets to managing water risk, we worked closely with our client to improve their sustainability programs and support their carbon and water goals.

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Our client’s goal was to better understand customer views on ESG topics and provide both internal and external stakeholders with the knowledge they need to make more sustainable choices.

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When addressing decarbonization, electric utility companies face a unique challenge and heavy scrutiny. With shareholder demands in mind, we worked with our client to help bring a sharper focus to its GHG inventory and embark on its net-zero transition.

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Over the years, this client’s work with us has expanded as we continue to support the companies growing ESG programs and ambitions, including highly visible projects like sustainability reports and highly impactful work addressing water risk and GHG road mapping.

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As a part of our client’s ambitious sustainability commitments, its sustainability team hired ADEC ESG Solutions to advise on its foundational scope 3 emissions inventory. Their goal was to gain a deeper understanding of the company’s emissions—more specifically, the impact of its supply chain.

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