The Challenge

MAS Holdings (MAS) is a leading manufacturer of intimate apparel, sports-, swim- and performance wear. Over the last 10 years MAS has struggled to reduce the use of hazardous chemicals in their manufacturing operations and supply chain, and to do so transparently. They realized that handling the large volume and disparate sources manually was labor-intensive, and did not provide optimal visibility for executives, customers or facilities.

MAS began reviewing third party systems in search of a solution that would meet their needs, and launched their vision for better chemical information management with CleanChain, becoming one of the earliest adopters of the platform in 2016.

Our Solution

CleanChain is a secure, central online platform for managing chemical inventory, delivery, testing and discharge data, and monitoring compliance against multiple chemical standards and Manufacturers Restricted Substances Lists (MRSLs). It provides businesses easy access to the critical performance insights and improvement plans they need to reap the rewards of effective chemical information management. MAS Holdings chose CleanChain because it offered a number of unique features not offered by other software companies and allowed them to create the solutions their manual approach had not delivered.

Using CleanChain, MAS gains visibility into all the chemical products used in their operations and supply chain through its detailed and dynamic Product Library. The system enables MAS to easily determine which formulations are acceptable for use, and provides an easy way to compare different products, checking their performance against MRSLs and other metrics, and enabling MAS to improve their compliance. These tools decrease the administrative burden of sifting through chemical information, and allow MAS to develop operational objectives to reduce its use of hazardous chemical products.

As well as giving MAS easy access to this data from their own operations and supply chain, CleanChain allows them to share their data with other stakeholders and access data that other users of the platform share, increasing transparency. Rather than having to produce individual reports for every customer that requests their chemical management data, MAS can link with them directly in CleanChain to share their information and data, saving time and resources. Since adopting CleanChain, MAS has realized significant advances in the efficiency, efficacy and scope of their ability to manage chemical information across their supply chain.

The ADEC Innovations Advantage

CleanChain, an ADEC Innovation, is designed to help ease the burden of measuring and improving environmental management initiatives across supply chains. As an early adopter of CleanChain, MAS Holdings is able to provide detailed feedback on the platform, which helps to maximize its impact. As a collaborative solutions provider and partner, ADEC Innovations helps MAS ensure they are maximizing the sustainability potential of their supply chain, and effectively evolves the platform, contributing to improved chemical management across the industry.

CleanChain provides tremendous value to MAS Holdings by streamlining the process of tracking and managing chemicals in our supply chain, and reporting conformance with multiple certification standards. It integrates audit and test results, and tracks corrective actions and discharge performance. CleanChain significantly reduces our manual burden and the associated costs of aggregating supply chain data, and provides us with exceptional transparency that helps us better understand and reduce risks across our operations and supply base.

Suneth De Silva, MAS Holdings,Assistant Manager – Chemical Sustainability

Deliverables and Results

  • Adoption of CleanChain at 20 chemical-intensive manufacturing facilities in 15 countries
  • Visibility into all chemical use throughout operations and supply chain
  • Development of clear targets to reduce use of hazardous chemicals in the supply chain
  • Reduced time, cost and administrative burden

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