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David Katz (Past Contributor)

With more than 27 years of experience in corporate procurement and planning responsibilities with Canadian Bechtel Engineering, Johnson & Johnson and Ontario Hydro, David Katz took on a leading role when he established Sustainable Resource Management in 1993. He has also developed Sustainable Resource Management Consortium with other energy management consultants in collaboration on all types of energy related projects.

His training in California on Applied Decision Analysis, Expert Systems and the Analytical Hierarchy Process has provided him with the know how to train and consult executives in the application of the said programs. He continues to provide the Industrial and Building Energy Expertise (IBEX) open learning energy management course after the pilot project with Centennial College and Ontario Power Authority Conservation funding ended. David is also trained as a Business Development expert reviewer for Sustainable Technology Development Canada.

A former electric power and emissions broker at Ontario Hydro, a member of the Environmental Markets Association and trained in CO2 trading, David can provide expertise for the upcoming carbon trading and tax regimes. He is also a member of the Continental Automated Building Association and Intelligent and Integrated Building Council and co-developer which enables him to provide the Building Intelligence Quotient rating program to complement the GREEN and Energy rating programs.

The projects and programs which David has immersed himself in clearly show that he is a strong supporter of sustainability.

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