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Kevin Bolland

Kevin Bolland is a previous contributor to the ADEC ESG blog. Kevin graduated from Colorado State University in 2013 with a bachelor’s degree in Natural Resources Management and a minor in Global Environmental Sustainability. In addition to his education, Kevin has obtained over 5 years of experience in technical writing, air quality science, land surveying, and Phase I Environmental Site Assessments. Kevin joined the FCS Environmental Services team in May of 2019, and prepares CEQA/NEPA compliant documents such as Mitigated Negative Declarations, Initial Studies, Environmental Impact Reports, and other related materials. Kevin’s specialties include research, technical writing, database analytics, and environmental science.<br><br>

Kevin is a member of the Association of Environmental Professionals, and is a certified Naturalist with the Orange County Parks Department. Using his diverse experience, he aims to provide the highest quality service possible, while understanding the goals of clients and individuals alike. Kevin is a forward thinking individual and is eager to dedicate his talents to achieving goals with the future of our shared world in mind.

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