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Kevin Shannon (Past Contributor)

Even after 25 years of planning and environmental analysis, Kevin Shannon hasn’t slowed down in doing his work in environmental planning.

Holding a bachelor’s degree in Economic Geography in California State University, Northridge, and a Certified Green Building Professional for Build it Green, he has managed projects for public agencies and private environmental planning consulting firms in central and southern California. Kevin’s many areas of expertise consist of municipal land use planning/zoning including policy analysis, environmental documentation, solid waste planning and entitlement, surface mining entitlement, transit planning, and demographic studies.

His other certifications include:

-Transit Planning – Institute of Transit Operations and Planning<br>
-Solid Waste Transfer Station Design – Solid Waste Association of America<br>
-Supervision and Leadership – College of Sequoias<br>
-Administrative Management – University of California, Irvine

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