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Rachel Reese (Past Contributor)

A licensed architect with her Bachelor’s from Michigan’s Taubman College, Rachel Reese has an eye for design and building trends. After seven years of experience at an architectural firm, Rachel was eager to add to the ongoing conversation regarding sustainable building practices, so she returned to higher education, earning a Master’s of Sustainability Solutions from Arizona State’s prestigious School of Sustainability. With a new understanding of emerging sustainable technologies, Rachel became proficient in marrying aesthetics and function in an increasingly environmentally-friendly world.<br><br>

As a doctoral student at UC Berkeley’s College of Environmental Design, Rachel hopes to contribute to both public and private sectors with enhanced research on sustainable building and urban planning strategies. Rachel is optimistic for the future of the construction industry, which she firmly believes can reduce its carbon emissions and resources waste through better materials and smarter practices. When she isn’t busy teaching sustainability and design courses at the university, Rachel consults with contractors in efforts to educate them on the benefits of eco-friendliness.

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