The latest trends and
initiatives in ESG and

Oct 2019

Our Perspective

Sustainability teams are often working with limited resources and high pressure—but a materiality analysis can help you create a sound plan of action. SASB’s framework may help you get started. Read More

Industry Updates

Two-thirds of the global increase in demand for energy will come from Southeast Asia as it modernises, and experts say more than half of this will be met with renewable energy. Read More

Nike has opened a new distribution centre powered entirely by renewable energy as part of its ambition to reduce its carbon footprint to zero. Read More

Developments that tackle climate change could avoid having to get planning permission, under proposals being considered by the Scottish government. Read More

OCT 2019
Special Feature


Thursday, 22 October 2019
7:00am BST / 2:00pm CST

Missed our webinar with the CDSB in September? We’ll be replaying a recording of the webinar followed by a LIVE Q&A with experts. Learn about scenario planning and the TCFD, and get your questions answered!

Watch the re-run of our webinar to find out:

  • What is the TCFD? Where do I begin?
  • How should I analyze and understand risks and opportunities?
  • Why is scenario planning important to my organization and stakeholders?
  • What are the basics and how should I approach scenario planning?

And stick around for a live Q&A with experts from ADEC Innovations and the Climate Disclosure Standards Board (CDSB)!


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