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Carrie Wills (Past Contributor)

Carrie Wills’ historic interests have evolved in myriad directions over the years leading her from the jungles of Belize to the underground reaches of the Metro Muni line in San Francisco.

A member of the Register of Professional Archeologists since its inception and worked as a professional archeologist for more than 20 years, Carrie’s professional career is filled with adventures and discoveries. Her career started with pre-field assessments, archival research, pedestrian field surveys, and site evaluation. It eventually moved into a more advanced phases of site testing, data recovery, burial removals, and extensive archive analysis.

Carrie has evaluated sites and features for historic significance and prepared reports that comply with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). She has also evaluated and assessed historic structure and resources for inclusion on the National Register of Historic Places, California Register of Historical Resources and the Historic American Buildings Survey. In addition, Carrie has conducted consultations with Native American tribal representatives and has excellent working relationships with various government agencies. She has also provided feasible mitigation that protects significant resources while staying within budgetary constraints.

Carrie has been fortunate enough to work all throughout the United States and various parts of the world on fascinating projects. One of the most notable discoveries was at the Costco site in San Francisco where hundreds of intact bottles led to her fascination with historic bottles and their unique histories.

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