ADEC ESG Celebrates National Park Week

ADEC ESG Celebrates National Park Week Image

Every April, America celebrates one of its largest celebrations of national heritage through National Park Week. Recognized by a presidential proclamation, it is a special time to celebrate national parks and programs across the country and to encourage everyone to discover the nation’s diverse natural and cultural heritage.

What Are Public Lands? Why Do They Matter?

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We will be celebrating the twenty-sixth annual National Public Lands Day in the U.S. on September 26th. Ahead of that, we’re answering the questions, “What are public lands? And why do they matter?”

Cities and Environmental Planning

An estimated 4 billion people—equivalent to approximately 54 percent of the world’s overall population—reside in cities. The global urban population is projected to escalate to 66 percent by 2050. The UN, however, claims that the current rise in the cities’ population is unsustainable.

Green Investments and Sustainable Development in Indonesia

Green Investments and Sustainable Development in Indonesia Banner Image

Indonesia still has a long way to go towards achieving development. Although its gross national income (GNI) rose from USD 10,690 in 2015 to USD 11,220 in 2016, an estimated 93 million Indonesians continue to subsist on USD 3.10 a day (the World Bank’s moderate poverty line).

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