Steps to Developing a Science-Based Target

As global regulations and supplier requirements for climate disclosure and action increase, more companies are looking to set and commit to science-based targets. In this blog, we will explore how to set science-based targets in line with a 1.5°C future.

ESG Investing and Climate Change

The toll of climate change on businesses is highlighted by research published in a study by the London School of Economics. The study found that the global economy suffers losses up to USD 24 trillion due to climate change.

The Importance of Machine Learning and Building a Data Set in Business

Machine learning can significantly contribute to business’ efficiency. It can help identify which products and services sell well during defined periods, allowing companies to adjust their sales operations accordingly to improve their bottom line. Machine learning can also detect which parts of a business process are taking up too much time and resources, enabling companies to make improvements before profits are undermined.

How Businesses Help Address Forced Labor and Slavery

How Businesses Help Address Forced Labor and Slavery Banner Image

Despite laws and regulations that prohibit their practice, forced labor and slavery are still widespread. According to a 2014 report by the International Labour Organization (ILO), roughly 21 million people are currently subject to forced labor. An estimated 68 percent of them are being exploited in the private economy, by individuals or enterprises, primarily in agriculture, construction, domestic work, manufacturing, mining and utilities.

Why Addressing Corruption Is a Key Component of Sustainability

Why Addressing Corruption Is a Key Component of Sustainability Banner Image

The term “sustainability” is popularly associated with environmental protection. What many people do not know is that eliminating corruption in all its forms is also important in achieving sustainability. Principle 10 of the UN Global Compact is, “Businesses should work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery.” It recognizes the fact that ethical business practices is a key component of sustainability.

The Importance of Climate Risk Disclosure for Business

With the effects of climate change becoming increasingly pronounced, disclosure of climate risks is critical for businesses. Failure to make a disclosure can facilitate poor investment decisions, asset losses, and the continuation of trade practices that lead to climate change.

How the Business Community Can Help Alleviate Poverty

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Poverty can have adverse effects on business operations. Poverty is often associated with illiteracy, which can affect productivity. Employees with poor literacy skills may struggle to fully understand workflow instructions. Consequently, they are prone to making work-related mistakes, resulting in lost profits and reduced customer confidence.

The Impact of Conflict Minerals on Business

Minerals are important ingredients in manufacturing. Gold and silver are used in jewelry, currency, computers, electronics and medicine. Copper is used in motors and electrical wiring. Cadmium is a main ingredient of batteries.

The Millennials’ Idea of a Sustainable Business

The Millennials' Idea of a Sustainable Business Image

Millennials (the demographic born between 1980 and 2000) are currently the largest generation of consumers in history. In 2014, Millennials aged between 17 and 34 were expected to spend at least USD 200 billion each year from 2017 onwards. This age demographic is also expected to spend around USD 10 trillion in their lifetimes.

What is Impact Investing?

Conventional wisdom dictates that the goal of businesses is to generate profit — and this goal may come into conflict with objectives such as environmental conservation and responsibly-sourced consumer goods. Impact investing dispels these beliefs by offering opportunities for stakeholders to invest — and, ultimately, profit from — social and environmental solutions.

How Do We Integrate Climate Change into Our Current Business Strategy?

Climate change awareness is growing and companies of all sizes and industries are starting to consider their own impacts. Every company has their own challenges and opportunities, and integrating climate change into your business strategy can help ensure you are systematizing your process to focus on the impacts that are relevant and mitigation strategies that are meaningful and realistic. How can climate change and business strategy work hand-in-hand in this age?

Best Practices in Sustainability

Many companies incorporate sustainability practices in all areas of their operations. From policies, production processes, products and services, every member of their corporate community takes part in promoting sustainability.

Go for Green: Aiming for Sustainability Indices


Many organizations are endangered by the unprecedented environmental risks that the world is experiencing today. As the world’s industries are affected by drought, heat stress and flooding, organizations are taking the necessary steps to mitigate climate risks.

ESG: A Growing Interest for Business Investors


Many organizations are strategically choosing to become “greener” and socially responsible in their daily operations. Sustainability initiatives are serving to improve operational efficiency and are increasingly informing the purchasing decisions of customers and investors alike. Where competition between businesses is evident, companies are taking the necessary steps to stay ahead of their peers. Being environmentally sustainable and socially responsible is increasingly recognized as an essential element of corporate strategy, especially as regulations increase globally.

Fighting the Game-Changer with Mitigation


Today’s climate-driven economy has forced us to be wary of climate change’s ongoing threats to various businesses in the public and private sectors. Undeniable evidence of climate change impacts can be felt all over the world.

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